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General Info


ONLY students in grades four and five may ride a bicycle to and from school. State Law requires that students wear bicycle helmets. A chain or standard lock which can attach the bike to the bike rack must be provided. The school is not responsible for bikes on school property. Students bringing bicycles do so at their own risk. 

Birthday Celebrations/Other Celebrations 

Classrooms will have special ways to spotlight a child on their birthday that is up to each individual teacher. We do not allow food or other items from home for birthdays.   

Classroom may have up to one celebration per trimester. Food allergies will be consulted and closely monitored if food is involved. Celebrations will not have any holiday or religious affiliations in order to promote our inclusive community.  

Cell Phones 

Cell phones and other communication devices must be turned off and stored in student’s backpack during school hours. 


If a student leaves non-essential items at home, we ask that they not be delivered to the school. Items that must be delivered to the student should be left with the office staff and will be delivered to students at an appropriate time that minimizes disruptions to the class. 

Directory Information 

Federal law and school district regulations allow schools to release directory-type information (student name, address, phone, date/place of birth, dates of attendance, awards the student has received, and previous schools) to such agencies as school news or PTA unless parents notify the school of wishes to the contrary. Information other than Directory Information is considered confidential. 

District Policies and Procedures 

Renton School District Policies and Procedures can be located on the district’s website ( ). At the left side of the district’s homepage, click on Board of Directors. On the Board of Directors page, click on “Policies and Procedures.” 

Dress Code 

Dress and appearance must be appropriate and not present health , safety problems, or cause disruption to the learning environment. Chests, backs, and stomachs should be covered. Tops or dresses with spaghetti straps should be covered by a shirt. Hems of skirts and shorts should not be shorter than fingertip length.  Footwear should be safe.  For safety, no flip-flops or shoes with wheels. Tennis shoes are required during PE classes. Clothing containing tobacco, drug, alcohol or suggestive profanity is not allowed.  

*Students are asked to dress appropriately for the weather. Most days, students will go outside for recess. 

Emergency Contact Information 

An Annual Emergency Information form will be provided to all families in September. Please complete this form and return it to school. During the school year, if changes in family address, home or emergency phone numbers occur, please notify our school office.  Keeping emergency contact information up to date is extremely important for the safety of your child. 

Emergency Procedures 

In the event of an emergency (such as snow, severe storms, earthquakes and power failures) Renton School District schools may close, delay opening and/or limit bus service. School closures will be communicated through School Messenger (phone , email, text), over local television and radio stations and on the internet. 


A community e-mail newsletter will be placed on our website. Please check it often as we update information.  


Gum is not allowed at school. 

Individual Photos 

Families have an opportunity to purchase individual student and class photos. Student photos are scheduled in the fall and class photos are scheduled later in the spring. 

Insurance Availability 

Renton School District does not carry medical, dental, or life insurance for students. However, arrangements have been made to provide these services to parents. Information regarding the student insurance fees and a company provider are sent home each year in September and must be mailed back directly to the insurance company. 

Lost and Found 

Please label your child’s coats, caps, backpacks, and lunch boxes. Each year, abandoned, unlabeled items collect in our Lost and Found area. If unclaimed, items are donated to local clothing banks. Check our lost and found regularly, it is located in the Commons. 

Media Release 

From time to time, Renton School District uses pictures of students in educational publications. Please indicate on the Annual Emergency Information form under the section titled “photo/media release information” if you do not want your child’s photo used or directory-type information released for school/district publications, TV, radio, and/or media or yearbook purposes. 

Parent Concerns 

Sometimes concerns are expressed about our actions or decisions.  When parent concerns are voiced to the principal/assistant principal (relating to classroom activities) the parent will be referred back to the classroom teacher.  Following the teacher and parent conversation, the teacher may request for administrator’s involvement. 

Parent Conferences and Report Cards 

Each November, time is scheduled for parents or guardians to meet with teachers to discuss students’ progress. Additional conferences may be requested throughout the year. 

Student progress is reported 3 times a year at the end of each trimester.  Progress reports are distributed again in March and June.  

Personal Property 

Students are asked to leave ALL personal toys or equipment at home. Examples of items are roller blades, skateboards, scooters, trading cards, radios, iPods, digital cameras, and electronic games. Our school and Renton School District are not responsible for theft, loss, or damage of student property. Students may not bring a playground ball from home. Playground equipment is provided for students to access. If items are brought to school, they will be collected by the teacher and returned at the end of the day. 

School Messenger 

School Messenger is an automated telephone notification system. It is used to notify families of school events, closures and other important information.  

Special Services 

Sartori provides Special Education services for students who qualify. We have a Resource Room and self-contained classes to meet identified students individual needs. 

Safety Concerns/Vandalism 

If you observe or suspect vandalism or other security-related concerns at the school, please call the district’s 24-hour emergency number (425) 204-4411. 

Safety Patrol 

Sartori Student Safety Patrol is made up of 4th and 5th grade students. They will help your child cross the parking lot and nearby intersections. Please obey the patrol and model cooperation and safety when using the crosswalk with our patrol. 

Transportation/Bus Information 

Students riding the bus go directly to the bus loading area behind the school. Students who are identified as the cause of discipline problems at the bus stop or while on board the bus are subject to disciplinary action including suspension from bus services. Bus rider information is distributed at the beginning of the school year. If you have questions or concerns about a bus problem please contact the Transportation Department at 425-204-4455.