Lottery FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I have a child on the waitlist. How can I see if they are moving up on the list?
Students who have been placed on the waitlist can find their waitlist position here. Updates are kept current with changes to the waitlist as students are invited. Please note that office staff are unable to give updates via phone or email; please check the website for updates.
As spots, open, students will be selected from the waitlist in the order that they were selected. You will be notified within 24 hours if you are selected from the waitlist. Effective each year, the student enrollment waitlist will dissolve in October of the active school year.
One of my children got a spot during the lottery but my other child is on the waitlist. Will my other child automatically get into Sartori as well?
Siblings of invited students will only be enrolled if space becomes available as they move up the waitlist. They are not automatically enrolled. By accepting enrollment at Sartori for the invited student, your other child would have a higher priority in the following year's lottery, if you choose to apply for them again.
If my child was selected in the lottery and I have confirmed my spot, is my child registered at Sartori?
No, after confirming your child’s spot, you will need to follow the registration process outlined via the Renton School District's Registration page here:
If I confirm my spot in the lottery, can I withdraw at a later date?
Yes, you can withdraw at any time, however, you will only be permitted to return to your neighborhood school if there is space available.
If I move into the area identified as the North Renton neighborhood after the lottery, can I enroll at Sartori?
No, all students must go through the Lottery enrollment application process. We do not enroll students mid-year.
Please visit our school locator page to determine the school your child would attend.
Will transportation be offered for Sartori students?
Yes, transportation for students attending Sartori is offered. Students who reside outside of walking distance will be eligible for a bus route.
Will Sartori have Discovery Program classrooms?
If your student qualifies as Highly Capable (HC), our Discovery Program, they will be served in their general education classroom on a Student Learning Plan (SLP). Self-contained Discovery Program classes will not be offered at Sartori Elementary.
Will Sartori have before and after school care?
Renton School District is partnering with Right at School to provide before and after school childcare at Sartori. Please visit their website for more information;
What middle school will my Sartori student attend?
When students enter the sixth grade, they will attend the neighborhood middle school which aligns with their original elementary school feeder pattern. Please visit our school locator page.
Will students at Sartori have an opportunity to participate in PE, Music, and Library?
Yes, like other Renton elementary schools, all elementary students will have 2 days of PE, 2 days of Music, and 1 day of library.
What is the class size at Sartori?
Kindergarten - 3rd grade will have 22 students per class. 4th - 5th grade will have 29 students per class.